Un cântăreț bisericesc din județul Vâlcea, care s-ar fi îmbogățit rapid după ce a investit în monede virtuale Bitcoin, a fost răpit și torturat de trei interlopi cunoscuți care ar fi încercat să-l jefuiască. Înainte de comiterea faptei, răpitorii ar fi oprit mașina într-o benzinărie și ar fi făcut o simulare a răpirii, pentru ca […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is a singer who became wealthy through Bitcoin investments was kidnapped and tortured by known criminals who orchestrated a scheme to steal his money.
The text details how these criminals used the allure of quick Bitcoin gains as a means to lure the singer into a trap, leading to his kidnapping and subsequent torture.
The main conceptual idea of the text is a singer who became wealthy through Bitcoin investments was kidnapped and tortured by known criminals who orchestrated a scheme to steal his money. The text details how these criminals used the allure of quick Bitcoin gains as a means to lure the singer into a trap, leading to his kidnapping and subsequent torture.